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for Start-ups

Dec 08, 2020

10am - 6pm (PST, Seoul)

Free (Pre-registration Required)

Online (Virtual Summit will be conducted via ZOOM)


International Medical Device School



Opening Speech

Mr. Dae Wook Kang

Seoul BioHub Center, Head, Korea

IMDS for Startups: Program Overview

Ms. Joanne Lee 

MediHeroes, CEO


Global Medical Market:

How to Enter the US Market

Mr. John Hardesky

LiquidSMARTS℠, Head of Commercialization Services, USA

McKesson, Lab Solutions, Former VP, USA



Regulatory System Overview

and How To Access Different Markets

Mr. Jack Wong

Asia Regulatory Professionals Association, Founder

Nanyang Technology University, Professor, Singapore


Global Regulatory Strategy for Startups

Ms. May Ng

ARQon(Asia Regulatory Quality Consultancy), CEO

ASEANMed, Co-Chairperson, Singapore

5mins break


Global Medical Market II:

Medical Device Market in Singapore & its Strategic Importance to enter the ASEAN market

Mr. David Lee

MedtechBOSS, VP of Business Development, Singapore


Quality Management System & ISO Standards

Mr. Chanyo Won

CT/S Regulatory Consultancy, CEO, Korea


Conduct Medical Device Clinical Trials

based on ISO14155

Dr. Seung Zhoo Yoon

Korea University Hospital, Professor

Korea University Medical Device Innovation Center, Head

lunch break (60min) 1:00-2:00



Government Policy for Medical Device Industry and Support Project of KHIDI

Mr. Taeyoung Youn

Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI)

Team leader, Korea


Learn from Fellow MedTech Startups -

Startup Success Story: RIMSCIENCE

Dr. Sang-Jin Yoon 

RIMSCIENCE, Ltd., CEO & Founder

& Gachon University-Gil Medical Center, M.D, Korea


TIPS(Tech Innovator Program for Startups) by Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development(KISED)

Mr. John Changhyung Lee 

Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development (KISED) Investment Cooperation Div., General Manager, Korea

5mins break



Why join a global MedTech competition or accelerator?

Mr. Fredrik Nyberg

Medtech Innovator Asia Pacific, Managing director, USA


Challenges of developing AI-base algorithms

for Medical Devices

Prof. Wee Ser

Nanyang Technological University, Professor

Space(MedTech) Pte. Ltd, co-founder, Singapore


Global Medical Device Distribution Channel

Mr. Edgar Kasteel

LuctorMedical BV, Managing Director
EMERGO Group, Co-founder & The Netherland Enterprise Agency, Advisor for Life Science, The Netherlands


Innovations in the MedTech Industry:

Digital Healthcare and Beyond

Mr. Young Hwan Jung

invites healthcare, Digital Healthcare Division, Head, Korea


MedFIT Event, 4th edition, Digital in France 

Dec 07-15, 2020 (Introduction)

Eurasanté representative, France

18:00 Closing Speech

Disclaimer: IMDS Program details subject to change

  • MedTech Innovator APAC 2025: Apply by Jan 31
    MedTech Innovator APAC 2025: Apply by Jan 31
    Fri, Jan 31
    Jan 31, 2025, 10:00 AM GMT+9 – Feb 08, 2025, 11:50 PM GMT+9
    Jan 31, 2025, 10:00 AM GMT+9 – Feb 08, 2025, 11:50 PM GMT+9
    🚀 MTI APAC 2025 지금 신청하세요. 가장 빠르고 확실한 글로벌 시장 진출 방안! 🌟 참가비 무료, 지분 요구 없음 (Non-dilution) 💰 USD 300,000 이상의 무상 현금 상금 🎯 맞춤형 1:1 멘토링 및 코칭 제공 Apply Now! 신청 마감 연장 1월31일 까지

*Once you have signed up IMDS, you are agreed for the data usage by MediHeroes, ARPA and ARQon.


Joanne J. Lee.png

Joanne J.Lee

이정란 대표, 메디히어로즈 B2B 메디컬 플랫폼

MediHeroes, B2B Medical Platform, Founder

May Ng.png

May NG

메이 응, 아시아 인증 & 품질 컨설팅 전문회사 대표

ARQon(Asia Regulatory & Quality Consultancy),

Global Director

Jack Wong.png

Jack wong

잭 왕, 아시아 인증 전문가 협회 설립자

ARPA Founder 

(Asia Regulatory Professionals Association),

​Six Sigma Black Belt certified by IASSC


Virginia Chan.png

Virginia Chan

지멘스 디지털 소프트웨어 아시아태평양 본부장,

의료기기산업 디지털혁신 담당

Head of Digital Transformation Medical Devices Industry, APAC Siemens Digital Industries Software

Dr. Euiyul Choi.png

Dr. Euiyul Choi

최의열 대표이사, 바디텍메드㈜

Boditech Med, Inc., CEO

Joonyun Kim .png

Joonyun Kim

김준연 대표, 인바이츠헬스케어

inviteshealthcare Co., ltd., CEO

Kwangwook Kim.png

Kangwook Kim

김강욱 파트너변리사, 특허법인 다해

Patent Attorney & Managing Partner,

DAHAI Patent & Law Firm

Dr. Seung Ho Yoo.png

Dr. Seungho Yoo

유스바이오 글로벌 대표 &

동국대 의생명공학 겸임교수

YouthBio Global, CEO & Dongguk University,

Adjunct Professor

CY(Chanyo) Won.png

CY(Chanyo) Won

원찬요, 씨티앤에스 대표

CTNS & ARQon Korea, CEO

Dr. Seung Zhoo Yoon.png

Dr. Seung Zhoo Yoon

윤승주 고대병원 마취과 교수,

고대병원 의료플랫폼상생센터장

Korea University Hospital, Professor,

Dept. of Anesthesiology &

Head of Korea University

Medical Device Innovation Center

(in alphabetical order)

Korea IMDS

Alumni Chair

Prof. Park.png

Networking with Medtech partners and the industries for potential collaboration through our Global Alumni Network

Prof. Sanghyun Park

Korea University Hospital & CEO, JPMedic


2019년 싱가폴에서 시작된 IMDS (international Medical Device School)은 의료기기 라이프사이클 전반의 핵심 전략과 노하우를 국내외 의료기기 전문가들 (예:유럽 의료기기 유통전문 컨설턴트, 싱가폴 의료 인증 회사 대표, 국내 의료기기 영업 및 마케팅 전문가 등)과 집중으로 탐구하는 과정입니다.


의료기기 라이프사이클 - R&D, 제품설계, 제조, 인증, 임상, 품질관리, 글로벌 의료시장 유통 구조, 해외 진출 방안, 해외 주요 의료기기 박람회 및 컨퍼런스 활용 방안, 최신 기술 트렌드(의료기기와 Digitalization, AI, IoT, IoMT, ICT기술과의 접목 등),  제품 주기 관리 - 기간별 접근 방법과 제품 설계에 대한 새로운 솔루션과 전략 등을 모색하고자 마련된 프로그램입니다.

의료기기산업의 글로벌 네트워킹 플랫폼

인터내셔널 메디컬 디바이스 스쿨

2020년에는 싱가폴 이외 한국,  중국, 대만에서 운영되며, 향후 스위스, 독일, 일본, 미국, 중동, 호주 등 전세계적으로 운영됩니다. IMDS Korea 졸업생 및 전문가 패널은 IMDS Global Alumni Network을 통해 전세계 의료기기 관계자들과 교류하고, 글로벌 네트워킹을 확장해나갈 수 있을 것입니다.


수강대상: 의료기기 다국적기업 CEO, 스타트업 종사자, 의료기기 제조업체, 유통업체, 임상 및 인증 전문가, 의료 관련 전문가, R&D 연구개발자, 의료기기 영업 전문가, 의사, 의료기기 관련 전공 학생 및 관심자 등


IMDS KOREA 등록 문의는 edu@mediheroes.com또는

02-6406-3838로 연락주십시오.

A Truly Global Networking Channel with MedTech Professionals Worldwide


The International Medical Device School was successfully launched with a comprehensive 4-day syllabus featuring over 50 speakers in October, 2019 in Singapore and will be rolling out internationally in countries such as Korea, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, USA, Thailand, India.

MediHeroes, together with ARQon (Asia Regulatory & Quality Consultancy) and ARPA (Asia Regulatory Professional Association) is launching International Medical Device School in Korea for MEDTECH INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS to gain a comprehensive overview of medical devices lifecycle, from research and development stages to commercialization.  


The program details in Singapore can be found in the link below.


Who should attend?

Medtech companies’ Management, CEO, Investor, Start-up, MNC, Manufacturer, Distributor, Regulatory, Government Affairs, Quality, R&D Engineer, Legal, Clinical, Marketing and Sales professionals.


An IMDS KOREA Program will be launched on Dec. 08, 2020. To learn more about IMDS Korea, please email us at

  • Gain valuable insights and experiences from the key respected speakers in the field to apply to your work/decision and preventing common mistakes.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding on global regulatory landscape and latest updates including the new CE MDR/IVDR enforcement by May 2020/2022.

  • Discover the design, testing and standards requirements for product safety.

  • To explore the advanced technologies in medical device.

  • To hear about the market strategies, opportunities and challenges in the manufacturing and distribution. Networking with Medtech partners and industries, for potential collaboration.

Key Benefits
Community Partners
  • Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)

  • Asia Regulatory and Professional Association (ARPA)

  • Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore Biodesign

  • Biomedical Engineering Society (BES), Singapore

  • British Standards Institution (BSI)

  • European Enterprise Network (EEN)

  • Informa Knect365 Medical Device Training International (MDTI Online training)

  • Institute of Engineers, Singapore (IES) Biomedical Engineering Technical Committee

  • Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan Republic of China

  • Intellectual Property Intermediary (IPI)

  • Jurong Town Corporation (JTC)

  • National Healthcare Innovation Centre (NHIC)

  • NUS Enterprise

  • SGInnovate

  • Singapore Manufacturing Federation’s MedTech Industry Group (SMF’s MTIG)

  • Singapore Manufacturing Federation’s Standard Development Organization (SMF’s SDO)

  • Singapore Manufacturing Federation’s GS1 (SMF’s GS1)

  • TUV Rheinland


  • Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

  • National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC)

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